Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Melancholia and The Creativity Connection

Scientists and Doctors are saying there is truth to the long held notion that people who are depressed are creative people. More so after the depression has lifted somewhat than during the time of serious depression. Here are some links you may enjoy reading., Doctor finds evidence to support depression and creativity, , the good points of depression,, a professor's story
http, a story on historical figures who were extremely sad.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Is your abusive loved one bipolar?

Many professional who are treating people often fail to diagnose bipolar disorder, by treating the patient merely as an alcholic, or drug addict. Often people have a hard time dealing, when a bipolar phase is active, and resort to alcohol or drugs.

Often when bipolars are on alcohol or drugs, they are abusive both verbally and physically with
those they love. Because they are irritable or paranoid, they become very critical of those around them.

So if you are in an abusive relationship, perhaps your partner is bipolar.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Learn all you can about Bipolar Disorder

Check out my bipolar information store! It has books, MP3 downloads, CD's, DVD's, Computer Software, Magazines, and Health Products. You can shop till you drop without leaving the site, then you can learn more about bipolar through different mediums. Some of the accounts are
medical and some autobiographical.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I wrote a hubpage today - Read and Rate it please

Today I wrote a hub page on the reasons I am a bipolar wannabe. You may read it if you like and rate it. Follow this link
and Have a Nice Day

Friday, March 14, 2008

Read akeejaho's hub pages on bipolar

Check out akeejaho's hub pages on Most of them are on bipolar disorder. Although a few are serious, many are funny. Go to, click on hubbers, type akeejaho in the search area. Then double click his name and read his articles. He has around 10.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hypomania and Mania

Having been depressed way too many times, I new how dreadful depression is. Sometimes
it unbelievably bad, and after it's over, you're glad you lived through another one.
But I've been envying bipolars for their creative bursts. And I know some people
also experience delusions and hallucinations with their mania, and are psychotic. People who become this severe in their manic state, I have never envied. But I was reading a new bipolar author whose articles I enjoy, for him, he claims all the
periods of depression are worth what he experieces during his manic state.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Bipolars garden too!

I had read alot about famous people who where bipolar, and I had found no gardeners,
landscape architects, garden designers, and architects mentioned. I was beginning to wonder if any bipolars garden. Well today while reading my favorite hubber, I check out his profile. Now only is he a funny, creative writer, but he loves to garden.
Instead of choosing meds to manage his bipolar, he uses natural foods, herbs, and such. Maybe I should try natural products to manage depression.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

is based on (CBT). It focuses on how we see the world, how we think, and also how we behave. At first, it was used in working with suicidal people and also those who have borderline personality disorder.
Now it is used with depressed and anxiety prone people in general. Now only is the individual talk how to deal with conflict, and negative self talk, but one is taught social skills needed to get along well with others, but also strategies that help them achieve their goals. The idea is that we all are trying to live the best we can at any moment.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Behavioral Activation Therapy

focuses on behavior and how it affects our moods, rather than focusing on how our thoughts affect our moods. When our behaviors elicit
negative reward or we fail to engage in behavior that is rewarding, it affects our
moods. It helps the client see what behaviors one needs to engage in to function well
with others and the environment in which one lives.